Nupens’s works

Development and testing of a scale to evaluate diet according to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population

Gabe KT, Jaime PC. Development and testing of a scale to evaluate diet according to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. Public Health Nutr. 2019 April;22(5):785-96.

Content validity of an educational workshop based on the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population

Jaime PC, Tramontt CR, Maia TM, Gabe KT, Reis LC. Content validity of an educational workshop based on the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. Rev Nutr. 2018 Nov/Dec;31(6):593-602.

Associations of ultra-processed food and drink products with asthma and wheezing among Brazilian adolescents

Melo B, Rezende L, Machado P, Gouveia N, Levy R. Associations of ultra-processed food and drink products with asthma and wheezing among Brazilian adolescents. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2018 Aug;29(5):504:11.

We should eat freshly cooked meals

Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Moubarac JC, Levy RB, Louzada ML, Jaime PC. We should eat freshly cooked meals. BMJ. 2018 Jun;362:k3099.

Applying a food processing-based classification system to a food guide: a qualitative analysis of the Brazilian experience

Davies VF, Moubarac JC, Medeiros KJ, Jaime PC. Applying a food processing-based classification system to a food guide: a qualitative analysis of the Brazilian experience. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Jan;21(1):218-29.

Validating the usage of household food acquisition surveys to assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods: Evidence from Brazil

Louzada MLC, Levy RB, Martins APB, Claro RM, Steele EM, Verly Jr. E, et al. Validating the usage of household food acquisition surveys to assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods: Evidence from Brazil. Food Policy. 2017 Oct;72:112-120.

O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados como um indicador-síntese para monitorar o padrão de consumo alimentar das populações

Louzada MLC, Levy R, Monteiro CA. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados como um indicador-síntese para monitorar o padrão de consumo alimentar das populações. BIS Bol Inst Saúde (Impr.) 2016;16:88-96.

NOVA. The star shines bright

Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Levy RB, Moubarac JC, Jaime PC, Martins APB, et al. NOVA. The star shines bright. [Food classification. Public health] World Nutrition. 2016 Jan-Mar;7(1-3):28-38.

Dietary guidelines to nourish humanity and the planet in the twenty-first century

Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Moubarac JC, Martins APB, Martins CA, Garzillo J, et al. Dietary guidelines to nourish humanity and the planet in the twenty-first century. A blueprint from Brazil. Public Health Nutr. 2015 Sep;18(13):2311-22.

Impact of ultra-processed foods on micronutrient content in the Brazilian diet

Louzada MLC, Martins APB, Canella DS, Baraldi LG, Levy RB, Claro RM, et al. Impact of ultra-processed foods on micronutrient content in the Brazilian diet. Rev Saúde Pública. 2015 Aug;49:1-8.

Ultra-processed foods and the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil

Louzada MLC, Martins APB, Canella DS, Baraldi LG, Levy RB, Claro RM, et al. Ultra-processed foods and the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. Rev Saúde Pública. 2015;49:38.

Consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Brazilian adolescents and adults

Louzada MLC, Baraldi LG, Steele EM, Martins APB, Canella DS, Moubarac JC, et al. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Brazilian adolescents and adults. Prev Med. 2015 Dec;81:9-15.

Ultra-processed food products and obesity in Brazilian households (2008-2009)

Canella DS, Levy RB, Martins APB, Claro RM, Moubarac JC, Baraldi LG, et al. Ultra-processed food products and obesity in Brazilian households (2008-2009). PLoS ONE. 2014 Mar;9(3):e92752.

Increased contribution of ultra-processed food products in the Brazilian diet (1987-2009)

Martins APB, Levy RB, Claro RM, Moubarac JC, Monteiro CA. Increased contribution of ultra-processed food products in the Brazilian diet (1987-2009). Rev Saúde Pública. 2013;47(4):1-10.

Recommended readings

Guías alimentarias para la población peruana

PERÚ. Ministerio de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Guías alimentarias para la población peruana. Lázaro-Serrano ML, Domínguez-Curi CH (eds.). Lima: Ministerio de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Salud; 2019. 55 pp.