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Adelaide Cassia Nardocci

2017 – Atual

Using big data for small area studies: developing a new UK- Brazil partnership


Descrição: The UK Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU), part of the MRC-PHE Centre for Environment & Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, is a well-established specialist academic group with a unique expertise in conducting detailed and rigorous quantitative epidemiological analyses of non-communicable disease (NCD) distribution and risk assessments at small-area scale. This expertise, built over 30 years, is well illustrated by i) publication of key scientific publications and methodologies; ii) SAHSU?s important role in informing public health and environmental policies in the UK; and iii) close collaborations with Public Health England (PHE) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The School of Public Health, University of São Paulo (USP), is a center of national and international reference in the field of Public Health, with the mission to produce and disseminate knowledge and educate human resources in public health by means of teaching, researching, and extension, contributing to improve the population health into a better condition, and formulating public policies. USP is the largest Brazilian public university and the country’s most prestigious educational institution. With increasing access to vast amount of complex data, the use of sophisticated space-time analytical methods, such as those developed by SAHSU, are needed to adequately meet the specificities of each municipality and account for confounders (e.g. socioeconomic status or smoking) in order to obtain more robust evidence to guide public health policies..
Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.

Integrantes: Adelaide Cassia Nardocci – Integrante / Maria Regina Alves Cardoso – Coordenador / Anna Hansell – Integrante / Fred Piel – Integrante.
Financiador(es): (FAPESP) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – Auxílio financeiro.


2015 – Atual

ASTRID – Acessibilidade, justiça social e impacto da emissão veicular no desenvolvimento de estratégias orientadas pelo trânsito (FAPESP-ESRC-NWO).


Descrição: The growth and prosperity of cities and urban areas is propelled by advantages of agglomeration. These advantages however are not equally experienced by all members of the population, moreover the distribution is often not socially justified, as the groups that benefit from the higher density and better connections are not the same who experience the burdens such as congestion and poor air quality. This is a globally recurring issue, despite considerable differences between urban areas worldwide in terms of economic context, spatial planning and infrastructure provision. This research, within the call?s theme of social justice and the policy domain of infrastructure and built environment, will investigate physical and socio-economic processes that underlie the uneven distribution of urban outcomes. An international comparison of metropolitan areas in the UK, Netherlands and Brazil will take place to both identify universal drivers towards unjust outcomes and specific circumstances that can reduce or enhance existing social differences. In particular, the project will investigate the specific urban planning strategy of transit-oriented development (TOD) and its potential for delivering more equitable outcomes. This will be achieved through an international survey into job accessibility, population preferences and affordability in relation to transport and housing options; a dedicated measuring campaign targeting in-vehicle exposure to transport pollutants and advanced statistical and geographical information analysis. There are currently ambitious plans for TOD in São Paulo and the project will engage with stakeholders to target actual issues and allow the research to have a direct impact on social justice in São Paulo..
Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.

Integrantes: Adelaide Cassia Nardocci – Integrante / Maria de Fatima Andrade – Coordenador / Rita Yuri Ynoue – Integrante / Adalgiza Fornaro – Integrante / Karst Geurs – Integrante / Alex Hagen-Zanker – Integrante / Anne Slovic – Integrante.