Nupens’s works

Choosing a front-of-package warning label for Brazil: A randomized, controlled comparison of three different label designs

Khandpur N, Mais LA, de Morais Sato P, Martins APB, Spinillo CG, Rojas CFU, et al. Choosing a front-of-package warning label for Brazil: A randomized, controlled comparison of three different label designs. Food Res Int. 2019 Jul;121:854-61.

Nutrient-based warning labels may help in the pursuit of healthy diets. Obesity

Khandpur N, Swinburn B, Monteiro CA. Nutrient-based warning labels may help in the pursuit of healthy diets. Obesity. 2018 Nov;26(11):1670-71.

Are front-of-package warning labels more effective at communicating nutrition information than traffic-light labels? A randomized controlled experiment in a Brazilian sample

Khandpur N, de Morais Sato P, Mais LA, Martins APB, Spinillo CG, Garcia MT, et al. Are front-of-package warning labels more effective at communicating nutrition information than traffic-light labels? A randomized controlled experiment in a Brazilian sample. Nutrients. 2018 May;10(6):688.

A look at the food and nutrition agenda over thirty years of the Unified Health System

Jaime PC, Delmue DCC, Campello T, e Silva DO, Santos LMP. A look at the food and nutrition agenda over thirty years of the Unified Health System. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva. 2018;23(6):1829-36.

Mandatory food labeling of trans fat acids: qualitative analysis of the public consultation

Davies VF, Jaime PC. Mandatory food labeling of trans fat acids: qualitative analysis of the public consultation. Interface (Botucatu). 2017 Jan-Mar;21(61):133-9.

How to engage across sectors: lessons from agriculture and nutrition in the Brazilian School Feeding Program

Hawkes C, Brazil BG, Castro IRR, Jaime PC. How to engage across sectors: lessons from agriculture and nutrition in the Brazilian School Feeding Program. Rev Saúde Pública. 2016;50:47.

Brazilian obesity prevention and control initiatives

Jaime PC, Silva ACF, Gentil PC, Claro RM, Monteiro CA. Brazilian obesity prevention and control initiatives. Obes Rev. 2013 Nov;14(S2):88-95.

Marco legal do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar: uma releitura para alinhar propósitos e prática na aquisição de alimentos

Teo CRPA, Monteiro CA. Marco legal do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar: uma releitura para alinhar propósitos e prática na aquisição de alimentos. Rev Nutr. 2012 Set-Out;25(5):657-68.

Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in Brazil

Claro RM, Levy RB, Popkin BM, Monteiro CA. Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in Brazil. Am J Public Health. 2012 Jan; 102(1):178-183.

Investigating environmental determinants of diet, physical activity, and overweight among adults in São Paulo, Brazil

Jaime PC, Duran AC, Sarti FM, Lock K. Investigating environmental determinants of diet, physical activity, and overweight among adults in São Paulo, Brazil. J Urban Health. 2011 Jun;88(3):567-81.

Recommended readings

The politics of voluntary self-regulation: insights from the development and promotion of the Australian Beverages Council’s Commitment

Lacy-Nichols J, Scrinis G, Carey R. The politics of voluntary self-regulation: insights from the development and promotion of the Australian Beverages Council’s Commitment. Public Health Nutr. 2019 Aug;1-12.