The project aims to monitor infant feeding practices in different contexts and their determinants and to evaluate the impact of strategies implemented by the Ministry of Health aimed at promoting breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding. Data from the II National Survey of Breastfeeding Prevalence in all Brazilian Capitals and the Federal District, involving a sample of 34,366 children under one year of age are being analyzed in order to identify the association between breastfeeding and complementary feeding with different socioeconomic, demographic, biological and health care factors. Patterns of maternal practices related to the age of introduction of foods other than breast milk in the first year of life are being investigated in a cohort study conducted in Botucatu – Birth Cohort in Botucatu-CLab.

The project also involves, with a partnership with the MS, the preparation of technical materials to support the implementation of policies and the evaluation of  the “Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil” implementation.


Research Team:



Sonia Isoyama Venancio



Maria Helena D’Aquino Benício

Patrícia Constante Jaime

Maria Antonieta B. Carvalhaes


PhD students:

Glaúbia Relvas

Naiá Ortolan