
Pesquisadora da coorte MINA-Brasil participa do XX Congresso Latinoamericano de Nutrição no Equador

Entre 21 e 26 de Outubro, ocorreu o XX Congresso Latinoamericano de Nutrição promovido pela Sociedade Latinoamericana de Nutrição (SLAN) na cidade de Cuenca, Equador. A pesquisadora Ana Caroline Hovadick apresentou seu trabalho sob o título “Development and cross-cultural adaptation of persuasive multimedia messages to promote eating behaviour change in Amazonian schoolchildren”.

Artigos científicos

Improved estimates of foetal growth are associated with perinatal outcomes: A latent modelling approach in a population-based birth cohort

We aimed to estimate latent foetal growth conditions and explore their determinants among maternal characteristics and ultrasound biometric parameters. We additionally investigated the influence of foetal growth conditions on perinatal variables. We used data from live-born singletons in the Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Acre, Brazil (MINA-Brazil Study) population-based birth cohort. Maternal and perinatal characteristics were assessed in medical records from the maternity hospital and interviews with participants from July 2015 to June 2016. A sub-sample went through ultrasound examinations during the antenatal period, with assessment of foetal head and abdominal circumferences, and femur length. We estimated latent foetal growth conditions with a structural equation modelling framework, informed by the child’s birth weight z-scores (BWZ) and birth length z-scores (BLZ) according to gestational age. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the occurrence of perinatal events were estimated according to linear predictions of the latent variable. We included 1253 participants. Latent foetal growth conditions explained 88.3% of BWZ and 53.7% of BLZ variation. Maternal elevated blood pressure, primiparity, smoking, malaria, and insufficient gestational weight gain negatively impacted foetal growth conditions. In the subsample (n = 499), ultrasound biometric parameters assessed at 28 weeks were positively associated with the latent variable, with the largest contribution from foetal abdominal circumference. Each standardised unit of predicted foetal growth conditions halved the chance for preterm birth (95% CI = 0.26, 0.74) and longer hospital stay (>3 days) (95% CI = 0.28, 0.88). Conversely, BWZ and BLZ were not independently associated with these perinatal variables in separate logistic regression models. Latent foetal growth conditions jointly encompassing weight gain and linear growth during gestation were negatively influenced by a scenario of dual burden of maternal morbidities, with perinatal implications. Read the article and the supplementary document.


Pesquisadora recebe menção honrosa no II Congresso DOHaD Brasil

Na última edição do Congresso das Origens Desenvolvimentistas da Saúde e da Doença (ago/2023), a pesquisadora Anaclara Pincelli recebeu menção honrosa pela apresentação do trabalho intitulado “Plasmodium vivax malaria burden in the first 1,000 days: population-based birth cohort study in the main transmission hotspot of Brazil”. Segundo os resultados do estudo, crianças nascidas de mães que tiveram uma ou mais infecções durante a gravidez apresentam um risco elevado de infecção por malária P. vivax no início da vida, embora a transferência de anticorpos maternos para o feto possa fornecer alguma proteção de curto prazo. As crianças que são repetidamente infectadas com P. vivax desde o nascimento são mais prováveis de ficar anêmicas aos 2 anos de idade. Essas descobertas desafiam ainda mais a visão tradicional da malária vivax como uma infecção relativamente benigna durante a gravidez e a primeira infância na Amazônia.


Pesquisadores da coorte MINA-Brasil participam do II Congresso DOHaD Brasil

No contexto da XXXVII Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental, pesquisadores da coorte de nascimentos MINA-Brasil participaram do II Congresso da Sociedade Internacional para as Origens do Desenvolvimento da Saúde e da Doença entre os dias 27 e 30 de agosto de 2023. Os pesquisadores ministraram um curso de Epidemiologia do Ciclo Vital com o enfoque na introdução à análise de inferência causal.

Também foram apresentados trabalhos sob o módulo temático “Evidências de pesquisas do ciclo vital”. A pesquisadoras Marly Cardoso e Alicia Matijasevich puderam compartilhar, respectivamente, sobre as contribuições da coorte de nascimentos MINA-Brasil e as exposições maternas associadas às repercussões no curso da vida no contexto amazônico.

Artigos científicos

Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain and child weight during the first 2 years of life in an Amazonian birth cohort

We aimed to assess the association of pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) with offspring BMI-for-age z-scores (BAZs) during the first 2 years of life. A population-based birth cohort study was conducted with 900 mother–child pairs. Pre-pregnancy weight and weight at delivery were collected from medical records, and anthropometric data were measured at birth and at 6-month, 1-year and 2-year follow-up visits. Linear regression and linear mixed-effect models assessed associations with pre-pregnancy BMI, GWG and BAZ during the first 2 years of life. Pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity and excessive GWG were positively associated with BAZ at birth and at 1- and 2-year follow-up visits. There were no significant additional BAZ changes per year based on the exposures up to age 2 years. Elevated maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and GWG were associated with a child’s higher BAZ at birth, and these differences remained constant throughout the first 2 years of life in Amazonian children. These findings highlight the importance of promoting adequate maternal weight before pregnancy and during prenatal care also in socially vulnerable populations. Read the article.

Artigos científicos

Breastfeeding practices and head circumference in young children: a systematic review

To review observational studies on the association between breastfeeding (BF) practices and head circumference (HC) of children < 2 years old. A systematic review was conducted using the following electronic databases of ​​health sciences: PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs), Web of Science and Scopus. We selected observational studies published in any language from January 01, 2010 to November 19, 2021, from different populations that investigated the association between BF practice and HC among healthy children <2 years old. Titles and abstracts were screened independently by two evaluators. From the 4229 articles identified, 24 were included in this review: 6 cross-sectional, 17 longitudinal, and 1 case-control. The studies varied in their definition of the variables for BF and in reporting its practice, frequency, duration, and feeding method. Regarding HC, the authors analyzed the mean differences, abnormal values ​​(z-score above + 2SD or below -2SD according to the World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards, 2007), and longitudinal growth parameters. The findings of this review suggest that BF may have a positive relationship with HC at the beginning of life. Our findings suggest that BF, especially exclusive BF, may play a protective role against abnormal HC values in young children. However, more robust evidence with standardized BF indicators and WHO growth standards (2007) are required. Read the article.